Mesquite Disc Herniation doctor providing clinically effective non-evasive treatment for Garland, Rockwall and Rowlett. Disc Herniations are accompanied with pain and is often associated with trauma to the spine. Each soft tissue area serves as a shock absorber, absorbing continuous pressure on a daily basis. However, injuries to the area in most cases are mainly catergorized as a herniation; which can occur for a number of reasons from improper lifting, poor posture and age. Our Mesquite Disc Herniation doctor will be able to distinguish if an non-evasive approach will be the best route to improve your pain levels in Garland, Rockwall, Rowlett.
Common Symptoms of Disc Herniation
- Numbness and Tingling down an Extremity
- Radiating Pain from the affected area
- Headache or Back/Neck Pain
- Pins and Needles sensation localized or down an Extremity
- Swelling or feeling of heat from the Affected Area of the Spine
- Difficulty with pain when sitting or standing
- Pain relief when laying down in a side position
The diagnosis of a disc herniation can be done through physical examination, however to definitively diagnosis a disc herniation it must be visualized through an MRI. An MRI or magnetic resonance imaging visualizes soft tissues and surrounding anatomy and is most effective at pinpointing damage. The treatment protocol of a disc herniation can range from physical therapy, pain management, to even evasive procedures such as surgery. However, research is showing that chiropractic care is an effective non-evasive approach to treating a disc herniation. Combined with active therapy and physical therapy, the success of treatment with a proper duration can be quite successful.